Is it harder than a crossword?
Find out!
Information from the developer.
My new word game WordsBlock is underway. Is it more difficult than a crossword puzzle?
It will be available for Android and iOS.
The user interface for the schedule generators has been improved. See Schedules.
A schedule generator for shares has been added. Also added were feature letting the user name things.
The court type can be named (instead of 1:A1 get Court 1) or specific courts can be named the specific court (instead of 1:A1,2:A2 get North Field, South Field).
The types of players can be named. Get Adult1, Child2 instead of A1, B2. Individual players can also be named.
Time slots can can be named (which can be used for dates in a share).
The alpha (early preview) version of a schedule generator is now available for testing.
Chime Intervals for Android is going into testing soon.
Chime Counter for Android is underway!
Chime Game Timer and Chime Counter are done!